.. _api: API === Serializers ----------- .. py:data:: KT_BINARY Default value serialization. Serializes values as UTF-8 byte-strings and deserializes to unicode. .. py:data:: KT_JSON Serialize values as JSON (encoded as UTF-8). .. py:data:: KT_MSGPACK Uses ``msgpack`` to serialize and deserialize values. .. py:data:: KT_NONE No serialization or deserialization. Values must be byte-strings. .. py:data:: KT_PICKLE Serialize and deserialize using Python's pickle module. .. py:data:: TT_TABLE Special serializer for use with TokyoTyrant's remote table database. Values are represented as dictionaries. Kyoto Tycoon client ------------------- .. py:class:: KyotoTycoon(host='', port=1978, serializer=KT_BINARY, decode_keys=True, timeout=None, connection_pool=False, default_db=0) :param str host: server host. :param int port: server port. :param serializer: serialization method to use for storing/retrieving values. Accepts ``KT_BINARY``, ``KT_JSON``, ``KT_MSGPACK``, ``KT_NONE`` or ``KT_PICKLE``. :param bool decode_keys: allow unicode keys, encoded as UTF-8. :param int timeout: socket timeout (optional). :param bool connection_pool: use a connection pool to manage sockets. :param int default_db: default database to operate on. Client for interacting with Kyoto Tycoon database. .. py:method:: close(allow_reuse=True) :param bool allow_reuse: when the connection pool is enabled, this flag indicates whether the connection can be reused. For unpooled clients this flag has no effect. Close the connection to the server. .. py:method:: close_all() When using the connection pool, this method can close *all* client connections. .. py:method:: get_bulk(keys, db=None, decode_values=True) :param list keys: keys to retrieve :param int db: database index :param bool decode_values: decode values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: result dictionary Efficiently retrieve multiple key/value pairs from the database. If a key does not exist, it will not be present in the result dictionary. .. py:method:: get_bulk_details(keys, db=None, decode_values=True) :param list keys: keys to retrieve :param int db: database index :param bool decode_values: decode values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: List of tuples: ``(db index, key, value, expire time)`` Like :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.get_bulk`, but the return value is a list of tuples with additional information for each key. .. py:method:: get_bulk_raw(db_key_list, decode_values=True) :param db_key_list: a list of 2-tuples to retrieve: ``(db index, key)`` :param bool decode_values: decode values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: result dictionary Like :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.get_bulk`, except it supports fetching key/value pairs from multiple databases. The input is a list of 2-tuples consisting of ``(db, key)`` and the return value is a dictionary of ``key: value`` pairs. .. py:method:: get_bulk_raw_details(db_key_list, decode_values=True) :param db_key_list: a list of 2-tuples to retrieve: ``(db index, key)`` :param bool decode_values: decode values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: List of tuples: ``(db index, key, value, expire time)`` Like :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.get_bulk_raw`, but the return value is a list of tuples with additional information for each key. .. py:method:: get(key, db=None) :param str key: key to look-up :param int db: database index :return: deserialized value or ``None`` if key does not exist. Fetch and (optionally) deserialize the value for the given key. .. py:method:: get_bytes(key, db=None) :param str key: key to look-up :param int db: database index :return: raw bytestring value or ``None`` if key does not exist. Fetch the value for the given key. The resulting value will not be deserialized. .. py:method:: set_bulk(data, db=None, expire_time=None, no_reply=False, encode_values=True) :param dict data: mapping of key/value pairs to set. :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :param bool encode_values: serialize the values using the configured serialization scheme (e.g., ``KT_MSGPACK``). :return: number of keys that were set, or ``None`` if ``no_reply``. Efficiently set multiple key/value pairs. If given, the provided ``db`` and ``expire_time`` values will be used for all key/value pairs being set. .. py:method:: set_bulk_raw(data, no_reply=False, encode_values=True) :param list data: a list of 4-tuples: ``(db, key, value, expire time)`` :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :param bool encode_values: serialize the values using the configured serialization scheme (e.g., ``KT_MSGPACK``). :return: number of keys that were set, or ``None`` if ``no_reply``. Efficiently set multiple key/value pairs. Unlike :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.set_bulk`, this method can be used to set key/value pairs in multiple databases in a single call, and each key can specify its own expire time. .. py:method:: set(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None, no_reply=False) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :return: number of rows set (1) Set a single key/value pair. .. py:method:: set_bytes(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None, no_reply=False) :param str key: key to set :param value: raw value to store :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :return: number of rows set (1) Set a single key/value pair without encoding the value. .. py:method:: remove_bulk(keys, db=None, no_reply=False) :param list keys: list of keys to remove :param int db: database index :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :return: number of keys that were removed .. py:method:: remove_bulk_raw(db_key_list, no_reply=False) :param db_key_list: a list of 2-tuples to retrieve: ``(db index, key)`` :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :return: number of keys that were removed Like :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.remove_bulk`, but allows keys to be removed from multiple databases in a single call. .. py:method:: remove(key, db=None, no_reply=False) :param str key: key to remove :param int db: database index :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :return: number of rows removed .. py:method:: script(name, data=None, no_reply=False, encode_values=True, decode_values=True) :param str name: name of lua function to call :param dict data: mapping of key/value pairs to pass to lua function. :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :param bool encode_values: serialize values passed to lua function. :param bool decode_values: deserialize values returned by lua function. :return: dictionary of key/value pairs returned by function Execute a lua function. Kyoto Tycoon lua extensions accept arbitrary key/value pairs as input, and return a result dictionary. If ``encode_values`` is ``True``, the input values will be serialized. Likewise, if ``decode_values`` is ``True`` the values returned by the Lua function will be deserialized using the configured serializer. .. py:method:: clear(db=None) :param int db: database index :return: boolean indicating success Remove all keys from the database. .. py:method:: status(db=None) :param int db: database index :return: status fields and values :rtype: dict Obtain status information from the server about the selected database. .. py:method:: report() :return: status fields and values :rtype: dict Obtain report on overall status of server, including all databases. .. py:method:: ulog_list() :return: a list of 3-tuples describing the files in the update log. Returns a list of metadata about the state of the update log. For each file in the update log, a 3-tuple is returned. For example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> kt.ulog_list() [('/var/lib/database/ulog/kt/0000000037.ulog', '67150706', datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 4, 1, 28, 42, 43000)), ('/var/lib/database/ulog/kt/0000000038.ulog', '14577366', datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 4, 1, 41, 7, 245000))] .. py:method:: ulog_remove(max_dt) :param datetime max_dt: maximum datetime to preserve :return: boolean indicating success Removes all update-log files older than the given datetime. .. py:method:: synchronize(hard=False, command=None, db=None) :param bool hard: perform a "hard" synchronization :param str command: command to run after synchronization :param int db: database index :return: boolean indicating success Synchronize the database, optionally executing the given command upon success. This can be used to create hot backups, for example. .. py:method:: vacuum(step=0, db=None) :param int step: number of steps, default is 0 :param int db: database index :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: add(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to add :param value: value to store :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization method. :return: boolean indicating if key could be added or not :rtype: bool Add a key/value pair to the database. This operation will only succeed if the key does not already exist in the database. .. py:method:: replace(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to replace :param value: value to store :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization method. :return: boolean indicating if key could be replaced or not :rtype: bool Replace a key/value pair to the database. This operation will only succeed if the key alreadys exist in the database. .. py:method:: append(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to append value to :param value: data to append :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization method. :return: boolean indicating if value was appended :rtype: bool Appends data to an existing key/value pair. If the key does not exist, this is equivalent to :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.set`. .. py:method:: exists(key, db=None) :param str key: key to test :param int db: database index :return: boolean indicating if key exists Return whether or not the given key exists in the database. .. py:method:: length(key, db=None) :param str key: key :param int db: database index :return: length of the value in bytes, or ``None`` if not found Return the length of the raw value stored at the given key. If the key does not exist, returns ``None``. .. py:method:: seize(key, db=None, decode_value=True) :param str key: key to remove :param int db: database index :param bool decode_value: deserialize the value using the configured serialization method. :return: value stored at given key or ``None`` if key does not exist. Get and remove the data stored in a given key in a single operation. .. py:method:: cas(key, old_val, new_val, db=None, expire_time=None, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to append value to :param old_val: original value to test :param new_val: new value to store :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :param bool encode_value: serialize the old and new values using the configured serialization method. :return: boolean indicating if compare-and-swap succeeded. :rtype: bool Compare-and-swap the value stored at a given key. .. py:method:: incr(key, n=1, orig=None, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to increment :param int n: value to add :param int orig: default value if key does not exist :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :return: new value at key :rtype: int Increment the value stored in the given key. .. py:method:: incr_double(key, n=1., orig=None, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to increment :param float n: value to add :param float orig: default value if key does not exist :param int db: database index :param int expire_time: expiration time in seconds :return: new value at key :rtype: float Increment the floating-point value stored in the given key. .. py:method:: __getitem__(key_or_keydb) Item-lookup based on either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.get`. .. py:method:: __setitem__(key_or_keydb, value_or_valueexpire) Item-setting based on either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Value consists of either a ``value`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(value, expire_time)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.set`. .. py:method:: __delitem__(key_or_keydb) Item-deletion based on either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.remove`. .. py:method:: __contains__(key_or_keydb) Check if key exists. Accepts either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.exists`. .. py:method:: __len__() :return: total number of keys in the default database. :rtype: int .. py:method:: count(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: total number of keys in the database. :rtype: int Count total number of keys in the database. .. py:method:: update(__data=None, db=None, expire_time=None, no_reply=False, encode_values=True, **kwargs) Efficiently set multiple key/value pairs. If given, the provided ``db`` and ``expire_time`` values will be used for all key/value pairs being set. See :py:meth:`KyotoTycoon.set_bulk` for details. .. py:method:: pop(key, db=None, decode_value=True) Get and remove the data stored in a given key in a single operation. See :py:meth:`KyotoTycoon.seize`. .. py:method:: match_prefix(prefix, max_keys=None, db=None) :param str prefix: key prefix to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return (optional) :param int db: database index :return: list of keys that matched the given prefix. :rtype: list .. py:method:: match_regex(regex, max_keys=None, db=None) :param str regex: regular-expression to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return (optional) :param int db: database index :return: list of keys that matched the given regular expression. :rtype: list .. py:method:: match_similar(origin, distance=None, max_keys=None, db=None) :param str origin: source string for comparison :param int distance: maximum edit-distance for similarity (optional) :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return (optional) :param int db: database index :return: list of keys that were within a certain edit-distance of origin :rtype: list .. py:method:: cursor(db=None, cursor_id=None) :param int db: database index :param int cursor_id: cursor id (will be automatically created if None) :return: :py:class:`Cursor` object .. py:method:: keys(db=None) :param int db: database index :return: all keys in database :rtype: generator .. warning:: The :py:meth:`~KyotoCabinet.keys` method uses a cursor and can be rather slow. .. py:method:: keys_nonlazy(db=None) :param int db: database index :return: all keys in database :rtype: list Non-lazy implementation of :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.keys`. Behind-the-scenes, calls :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.match_prefix` with an empty string as the prefix. .. py:method:: values(db=None) :param int db: database index :return: all values in database :rtype: generator .. py:method:: items(db=None) :param int db: database index :return: all key/value tuples in database :rtype: generator .. py:attribute:: size Property which exposes the size information returned by the :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.status` API, for the default database. .. py:attribute:: path Property which exposes the filename/path returned by the :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.status` API, for the default database. .. py:method:: set_database(db) :param int db: database index Specify the default database index for the client. Tokyo Tyrant client ------------------- .. py:class:: TokyoTyrant(host='', port=1978, serializer=KT_BINARY, decode_keys=True, timeout=None, connection_pool=False) :param str host: server host. :param int port: server port. :param serializer: serialization method to use for storing/retrieving values. Accepts ``KT_BINARY``, ``KT_JSON``, ``KT_MSGPACK``, ``KT_NONE``, ``KT_PICKLE``, or ``TT_TABLE`` (for use with table databases). :param bool decode_keys: automatically decode keys, encoded as UTF-8. :param int timeout: socket timeout (optional). :param bool connection_pool: use a connection pool to manage sockets. Client for interacting with Tokyo Tyrant database. .. py:method:: close(allow_reuse=True) :param bool allow_reuse: when the connection pool is enabled, this flag indicates whether the connection can be reused. For unpooled clients this flag has no effect. Close the connection to the server. .. py:method:: close_all() When using the connection pool, this method can close *all* client connections. .. py:method:: get_bulk(keys, decode_values=True) :param list keys: list of keys to retrieve :param bool decode_values: decode values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: dictionary of all key/value pairs that were found Efficiently retrieve multiple key/value pairs from the database. If a key does not exist, it will not be present in the result dictionary. .. py:method:: get(key) :param str key: key to look-up :return: deserialized value or ``None`` if key does not exist. Fetch and (optionally) deserialize the value for the given key. .. py:method:: get_bytes(key) :param str key: key to look-up :return: raw bytestring value or ``None`` if key does not exist. Fetch the value for the given key. The resulting value will not be deserialized. .. py:method:: set_bulk(data, no_reply=False, encode_values=True) :param dict data: mapping of key/value pairs to set. :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :param bool encode_values: serialize the values using the configured serialization scheme (e.g., ``KT_MSGPACK``). :return: boolean indicating success, or ``None`` if ``no_reply``. Efficiently set multiple key/value pairs. .. py:method:: set(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :return: boolean indicating success Set a single key/value pair. .. py:method:: set_bytes(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: raw value to store :return: boolean indicating success Set a single key/value pair without encoding the value. .. py:method:: remove_bulk(keys) :param list keys: list of keys to remove :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: remove(key) :param str key: key to remove :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: script(name, key=None, value=None, lock_records=False, lock_all=False, encode_value=True, decode_result=False, as_list=False, as_dict=False, as_int=False) :param str name: name of lua function to call :param str key: key to pass to lua function (optional) :param str value: value to pass to lua function (optional) :param bool lock_records: lock records modified during script execution :param bool lock_all: lock all records during script execution :param bool encode_value: serialize the value before sending to the script :param bool decode_value: deserialize the script return value :param bool as_list: deserialize newline-separated value into a list :param bool as_dict: deserialize list of tab-separated key/value pairs into dict :param bool as_int: return value as integer :return: byte-string or object returned by function (depending on decode_value) Execute a lua function, passing as arguments the given ``key`` and ``value`` (if provided). The return value is a bytestring, which can be deserialized by specifying ``decode_value=True``. The arguments ``as_list``, ``as_dict`` and ``as_int`` can be used to apply specific deserialization to the returned value. .. py:method:: clear() :return: boolean indicating success Remove all keys from the database. .. py:method:: status() :return: status fields and values :rtype: dict Obtain status information from the server. .. py:method:: synchronize() :return: boolean indicating success Synchronize data to disk. .. py:method:: optimize(options) :param str options: option format string to use when optimizing database. :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: add(key, value, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to add :param value: value to store :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization scheme. :return: boolean indicating if key could be added or not Add a key/value pair to the database. This operation will only succeed if the key does not already exist in the database. .. py:method:: append(key, value, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to append value to :param value: value to append :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization scheme. :return: boolean indicating if value was appended Appends data to an existing key/value pair. If the key does not exist, this is equivalent to the :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.set` method. .. py:method:: addshl(key, value, width, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to append value to :param value: data to append :param int width: number of bytes to shift :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization scheme. :return: boolean indicating success Concatenate a value at the end of the existing record and shift it to the left by *width* bytes. .. py:method:: exists(key) :param str key: key to test :return: boolean indicating if key exists Return whether or not the given key exists in the database. .. py:method:: length(key) :param str key: key :param int db: database index :return: length of the value in bytes, or ``None`` if not found Return the length of the raw value stored at the given key. If the key does not exist, returns ``None``. .. py:method:: seize(key, decode_value=True) :param str key: key to remove :param bool decode_value: deserialize the value using the configured serialization method. :return: value stored at given key or ``None`` if key does not exist. Get and remove the data stored in a given key in a single operation. .. py:method:: incr(key, n=1) :param str key: key to increment :param int n: value to add :return: incremented result value .. py:method:: incr_double(key, n=1.) :param str key: key to increment :param float n: value to add :return: incremented result value Increment the floating-point value stored in the given key. .. py:method:: count() :return: number of key/value pairs in the database :rtype: int Count the number of key/value pairs in the database .. py:method:: __getitem__(key) Get value at given ``key``. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.get`. .. note:: If the database is a tree, a slice of keys can be used to retrieve an ordered range of values. .. py:method:: __setitem__(key, value) Set value at given ``key``. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.set`. .. py:method:: __delitem__(key) Remove the given ``key``. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.remove`. .. py:method:: __contains__(key) Check if given ``key`` exists. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.exists`. .. py:method:: __len__() :return: total number of keys in the database. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.count`. .. py:method:: update(__data=None, no_reply=False, encode_values=True, **kwargs) :param dict __data: mapping of key/value pairs to set. :param bool no_reply: execute the operation without a server acknowledgment. :param bool encode_values: serialize the values using the configured serialization scheme. :param kwargs: arbitrary key/value pairs to set. :return: boolean indicating success. Efficiently set multiple key/value pairs. Data can be provided as a dict or as an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. See also: :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.set_bulk`. .. py:method:: setdup(key, value, encode_value=True) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization scheme. :return: boolean indicating success Set key/value pair. If using a B-Tree and the key already exists, the new value will be added to the beginning. .. py:method:: setdupback(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store :param bool encode_value: serialize the value using the configured serialization scheme. :return: boolean indicating success Set key/value pair. If using a B-Tree and the key already exists, the new value will be added to the end. .. py:method:: get_part(key, start=None, end=None, decode_value=True) :param str key: key to look-up :param int start: start offset :param int end: number of characters to retrieve (after start). :param bool decode_value: deserialize the value using the configured serialization scheme. :return: the substring portion of value requested or ``False`` if the value does not exist or the start index exceeded the value length. .. py:method:: misc(cmd, args=None, update_log=True) :param str cmd: Command to execute :param list args: Zero or more bytestring arguments to misc function. :param bool update_log: Add misc command to update log. Run a miscellaneous command using the "misc" API. Returns a list of zero or more bytestrings. .. py:attribute:: size Property which exposes the size of the database. .. py:attribute:: error Return a 2-tuple of error code and message for the last error reported by the server (if set). .. py:method:: copy(path) :param str path: destination for copy of database. :return: boolean indicating success Copy the database file to the given path. .. py:method:: restore(path, timestamp, options=0) :param str path: path to update log directory :param datetime timestamp: datetime from which to restore :param int options: optional flags :return: boolean indicating success Restore the database file from the update log. .. py:method:: set_master(host, port, timestamp, options=0) :param str host: host of master server :param int port: port of master server :param datetime timestamp: start timestamp :param int options: optional flags :return: boolean indicating success Set the replication master. .. py:method:: clear_cache() :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: defragment(nsteps=None) :param int nsteps: number of defragmentation steps :return: boolean indicating success Defragment the database. .. py:method:: get_range(start, stop=None, max_keys=0, decode_values=True) :param str start: start-key for range :param str stop: stop-key for range (optional) :param int max_keys: maximum keys to fetch :param bool decode_values: deserialize the values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: a dictionary mapping of key-value pairs falling within the given range. Fetch a range of key/value pairs and return them as a dictionary. .. note:: Only works with tree databases. .. py:method:: get_rangelist(start, stop=None, max_keys=0, decode_values=True) :param str start: start-key for range :param str stop: stop-key for range (optional) :param int max_keys: maximum keys to fetch :param bool decode_values: deserialize the values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: a list of ordered key-value pairs falling within the given range. Fetch a range of key/value pairs and return them as an ordered list of key/value tuples. .. note:: Only works with tree databases. .. py:method:: match_prefix(prefix, max_keys=1024) :param str prefix: key prefix to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return :return: list of keys that matched the given prefix. .. py:method:: match_regex(regex, max_keys=None, decode_values=True) :param str regex: regular-expression to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return :param bool decode_values: deserialize the values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: a dictionary mapping of key-value pairs which matched the regex. .. py:method:: match_regexlist(regex, max_keys=None, decode_values=True) :param str regex: regular-expression to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return :param bool decode_values: deserialize the values using the configured serialization scheme. :return: a list of ordered key-value pairs which matched the regex. .. py:method:: iter_from(start_key) :param start_key: key to start iteration. :return: list of key/value tuples obtained by iterating from start-key. .. py:method:: keys() :return: list all keys in database :rtype: generator .. py:method:: keys_fast() :return: list of all keys in database :rtype: list Return a list of all keys in the database in a single operation. .. py:method:: items() :return: list all key/value tuples in database :rtype: generator .. py:method:: items_fast() :return: list of all key/value tuples in database in a single operation. :rtype: list .. py:method:: set_index(name, index_type, check_exists=False) :param str name: column name to index :param int index_type: see :ref:`index-types` for values :param bool check_exists: if true, an error will be raised if the index already exists. :return: boolean indicating success Create an index on the given column in a table database. .. py:method:: optimize_index(name) :param str name: column name index to optimize :return: boolean indicating success Optimize the index on a given column. .. py:method:: delete_index(name) :param str name: column name index to delete :return: boolean indicating success Delete the index on a given column. .. py:method:: search(expressions, cmd=None) :param list expressions: zero or more search expressions :param str cmd: extra command to apply to search results :return: varies depending on ``cmd``. Perform a search on a table database. Rather than call this method directly, it is recommended that you use the :py:class:`QueryBuilder` to construct and execute table queries. .. py:method:: genuid() :return: integer id Generate a unique ID. .. py:class:: QueryBuilder Construct and execute table queries. .. py:method:: filter(column, op, value) :param str column: column name to filter on :param int op: operation, see :ref:`filter-types` for available values :param value: value for filter expression Add a filter expression to the query. .. py:method:: order_by(column, ordering=None) :param str column: column name to order by :param int ordering: ordering method, defaults to lexical ordering. See :ref:`ordering-types` for available values. Specify ordering of query results. .. py:method:: limit(limit=None) :param int limit: maximum number of results Limit the number of results returned by query. .. py:method:: offset(offset=None) :param int offset: number of results to skip over. Skip over results returned by query. .. py:method:: execute(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: list of keys matching query criteria :rtype: list Execute the query and return a list of the keys of matching records. .. py:method:: delete(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: boolean indicating success Delete records that match the query criteria. .. py:method:: get(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: list of 2-tuples consisting of ``key, value``. :rtype list: Execute query and return a list of keys and values for records matching the query criteria. .. py:method:: count(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: number of query results Return count of matching records. .. _index-types: Index types ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:data:: INDEX_STR .. py:data:: INDEX_NUM .. py:data:: INDEX_TOKEN .. py:data:: INDEX_QGRAM .. _filter-types: Filter types ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:data:: OP_STR_EQ .. py:data:: OP_STR_CONTAINS .. py:data:: OP_STR_STARTSWITH .. py:data:: OP_STR_ENDSWITH .. py:data:: OP_STR_ALL .. py:data:: OP_STR_ANY .. py:data:: OP_STR_ANYEXACT .. py:data:: OP_STR_REGEX .. py:data:: OP_NUM_EQ .. py:data:: OP_NUM_GT .. py:data:: OP_NUM_GE .. py:data:: OP_NUM_LT .. py:data:: OP_NUM_LE .. py:data:: OP_NUM_BETWEEN .. py:data:: OP_NUM_ANYEXACT .. py:data:: OP_FTS_PHRASE .. py:data:: OP_FTS_ALL .. py:data:: OP_FTS_ANY .. py:data:: OP_FTS_EXPRESSION .. py:data:: OP_NEGATE Combine with other operand using bitwise-or to negate the filter. .. py:data:: OP_NOINDEX Combine with other operand using bitwise-or to prevent using an index. .. _ordering-types: Ordering types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:data:: ORDER_STR_ASC .. py:data:: ORDER_STR_DESC .. py:data:: ORDER_NUM_ASC .. py:data:: ORDER_NUM_DESC Embedded Servers ---------------- .. py:class:: EmbeddedServer(server='ktserver', host='', port=None, database='*', server_args=None) :param str server: path to ktserver executable :param str host: host to bind server on :param int port: port to use (optional) :param str database: database filename, default is in-memory hash table :param list server_args: additional command-line arguments for server Create a manager for running an embedded (sub-process) Kyoto Tycoon server. If the port is not specified, a random high port will be used. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from kt import EmbeddedServer >>> server = EmbeddedServer() >>> server.run() True >>> client = server.client >>> client.set('k1', 'v1') 1 >>> client.get('k1') 'v1' >>> server.stop() True .. py:method:: run() :return: boolean indicating if server successfully started Run ``ktserver`` in a sub-process. .. py:method:: stop() :return: boolean indicating if server was stopped Stop the running embedded server. .. py:attribute:: client :py:class:`KyotoTycoon` client bound to the embedded server. .. py:class:: EmbeddedTokyoTyrantServer(server='ttserver', host='', port=None, database='*', server_args=None) :param str server: path to ttserver executable :param str host: host to bind server on :param int port: port to use (optional) :param str database: database filename, default is in-memory hash table :param list server_args: additional command-line arguments for server Create a manager for running an embedded (sub-process) Tokyo Tyrant server. If the port is not specified, a random high port will be used. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from kt import EmbeddedTokyoTyrantServer >>> server = EmbeddedTokyoTyrantServer() >>> server.run() True >>> client = server.client >>> client.set('k1', 'v1') True >>> client.get('k1') 'v1' >>> server.stop() True .. py:method:: run() :return: boolean indicating if server successfully started Run ``ttserver`` in a sub-process. .. py:method:: stop() :return: boolean indicating if server was stopped Stop the running embedded server. .. py:attribute:: client :py:class:`TokyoTyrant` client bound to the embedded server.