.. _api: API === Serializers ----------- .. py:data:: KT_BINARY Default value serialization. Serializes values as UTF-8 byte-strings and deserializes to unicode. .. py:data:: KT_JSON Serialize values as JSON (encoded as UTF-8). .. py:data:: KT_MSGPACK Uses ``msgpack`` to serialize and deserialize values. .. py:data:: KT_NONE No serialization or deserialization. Values must be byte-strings. .. py:data:: KT_PICKLE Serialize and deserialize using Python's pickle module. .. py:data:: TT_TABLE Special serializer for use with TokyoTyrant's remote table database. Values are represented as dictionaries. Kyoto Tycoon client ------------------- .. py:class:: KyotoTycoon(host='', port=1978, serializer=KT_BINARY, decode_keys=True, timeout=None, default_db=0) :param str host: server host. :param int port: server port. :param serializer: serialization method to use for storing/retrieving values. Accepts ``KT_BINARY``, ``KT_JSON``, ``KT_MSGPACK``, ``KT_NONE`` or ``KT_PICKLE``. :param bool decode_keys: allow unicode keys, encoded as UTF-8. :param int timeout: socket timeout (optional). :param int default_db: default database to operate on. Client for interacting with Kyoto Tycoon database. .. py:method:: checkin() Return the communication socket to the pool for re-use. .. py:method:: close() Close the connection to the server. .. py:method:: get(key, db=None) :param str key: key to look-up :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: deserialized value or ``None`` if key does not exist. .. py:method:: get_raw(key, db=None) :param str key: key to look-up :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: raw bytestring value or ``None`` if key does not exist. .. py:method:: set(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: number of rows set (1) .. py:method:: remove(key, db=None) :param str key: key to remove :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: number of rows removed .. py:method:: get_bulk(keys, db=None) :param list keys: list of keys to look-up :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: dictionary of all key/value pairs that were found :rtype: dict .. py:method:: get_bulk_raw(keys, db=None) :param list keys: list of keys to look-up :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: dictionary of all key/raw-value pairs that were found :rtype: dict .. py:method:: set_bulk(__data=None, db=None, expire_time=None, **kwargs) :param dict __data: mapping of key/value pairs to set. :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :param kwargs: mapping of key/value pairs to set, expressed as keyword arguments :return: number of keys that were set .. py:method:: remove_bulk(keys, db=None) :param list keys: list of keys to remove :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: number of keys that were removed .. py:method:: script(name, __data=None, encode_values=True, **kwargs) :param str name: name of lua function to call :param dict __data: mapping of key/value pairs to pass to lua function. :param bool encode_values: serialize values passed to lua function. :param kwargs: mapping of key/value pairs to pass to lua function, expressed as keyword arguments :return: dictionary of key/value pairs returned by function :rtype: dict Execute a lua function. Kyoto Tycoon lua extensions accept arbitrary key/value pairs as input, and return a result dictionary. If ``encode_values`` is ``True``, the input values will be serialized and the result values will be deserialized using the client's serializer. .. py:method:: clear(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: boolean indicating success Remove all keys from the database. .. py:method:: status(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: status fields and values :rtype: dict Obtain status information from the server about the selected database. .. py:method:: report() :return: status fields and values :rtype: dict Obtain report on overall status of server, including all databases. .. py:method:: synchronize(hard=False, command=None, db=None) :param bool hard: perform a "hard" synchronization :param str command: command to run after synchronization :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: vacuum(step=0, db=None) :param int step: number of steps, default is 0 :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: add(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to add :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: boolean indicating if key could be added or not :rtype: bool Add a key/value pair to the database. This operation will only succeed if the key does not already exist in the database. .. py:method:: replace(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to replace :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: boolean indicating if key could be replaced or not :rtype: bool Replace a key/value pair to the database. This operation will only succeed if the key alreadys exist in the database. .. py:method:: append(key, value, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to append value to :param value: data to append (will be serialized using serializer) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: boolean indicating if value was appended :rtype: bool Appends data to an existing key/value pair. If the key does not exist, this is equivalent to :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.set`. .. py:method:: exists(key, db=None) :param str key: key to test :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: boolean indicating if key exists :rtype: bool .. py:method:: seize(key, db=None) :param str key: key to remove :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: value stored at given key or ``None`` if key does not exist. Get and remove the data stored in a given key. .. py:method:: cas(key, old_val, new_val, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to append value to :param old_val: original value to test :param old_val: new value to store :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: boolean indicating if compare-and-swap succeeded. :rtype: bool Compare-and-swap the value stored at a given key. .. py:method:: incr(key, n=1, orig=None, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to increment :param int n: value to add :param int orig: default value if key does not exist :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: new value at key :rtype: int .. py:method:: incr_double(key, n=1., orig=None, db=None, expire_time=None) :param str key: key to increment :param float n: value to add :param float orig: default value if key does not exist :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param expire_time: expiration time in seconds :type expire_time: int or None :return: new value at key :rtype: float .. py:method:: __getitem__(key_or_keydb) Item-lookup based on either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.get`. .. py:method:: __setitem__(key_or_keydb, value_or_valueexpire) Item-setting based on either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Value consists of either a ``value`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(value, expire_time)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.set`. .. py:method:: __delitem__(key_or_keydb) Item-deletion based on either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.remove`. .. py:method:: __contains__(key_or_keydb) Check if key exists. Accepts either ``key`` or a 2-tuple consisting of ``(key, db)``. Follows same semantics as :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.exists`. .. py:method:: __len__() :return: total number of keys in the default database. :rtype: int .. py:method:: count(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: total number of keys in the database. :rtype: int Count total number of keys in the database. .. py:method:: update(__data=None, db=None, expire_time=None, **kwargs) See :py:meth:`KyotoTycoon.set_bulk`. .. py:method:: pop(key, db=None) See :py:meth:`KyotoTycoon.seize`. .. py:method:: match_prefix(prefix, max_keys=None, db=None) :param str prefix: key prefix to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return (optional) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: list of keys that matched the given prefix. :rtype: list .. py:method:: match_regex(regex, max_keys=None, db=None) :param str regex: regular-expression to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return (optional) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: list of keys that matched the given regular expression. :rtype: list .. py:method:: match_similar(origin, distance=None, max_keys=None, db=None) :param str origin: source string for comparison :param int distance: maximum edit-distance for similarity (optional) :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return (optional) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: list of keys that were within a certain edit-distance of origin :rtype: list .. py:method:: cursor(db=None, cursor_id=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :param cursor_id: cursor id (will be automatically created if None) :type cursor_id: int or None :return: :py:class:`Cursor` object .. py:method:: keys(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: all keys in database :rtype: generator .. py:method:: values(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: all values in database :rtype: generator .. py:method:: items(db=None) :param db: database index :type db: int or None :return: all key/value tuples in database :rtype: generator .. py:attribute:: size Property which exposes the size information returned by the :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.status` API, for the default database. .. py:attribute:: path Property which exposes the filename/path returned by the :py:meth:`~KyotoTycoon.status` API, for the default database. .. py:method:: set_database(db) :param int db: database index Specify the default database for the client. Tokyo Tyrant client ------------------- .. py:class:: TokyoTyrant(host='', port=1978, serializer=KT_BINARY, decode_keys=True, timeout=None) :param str host: server host. :param int port: server port. :param serializer: serialization method to use for storing/retrieving values. Accepts ``KT_BINARY``, ``KT_JSON``, ``KT_MSGPACK``, ``KT_NONE`` or ``KT_PICKLE``. :param bool decode_keys: allow unicode keys, encoded as UTF-8. :param int timeout: socket timeout (optional). :param int default_db: default database to operate on. Client for interacting with Tokyo Tyrant database. .. py:method:: checkin() Return the communication socket to the pool for re-use. .. py:method:: close() Close the connection to the server. .. py:method:: get(key) :param str key: key to look-up :return: deserialized value or ``None`` if key does not exist. .. py:method:: get_raw(key) :param str key: key to look-up :return: raw binary value or ``None`` if key does not exist. .. py:method:: set(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: remove(key) :param str key: key to remove :return: number of rows removed .. py:method:: get_bulk(keys) :param list keys: list of keys to look-up :return: dictionary of all key/value pairs that were found :rtype: dict .. py:method:: get_bulk_raw(keys) :param list keys: list of keys to look-up :return: dictionary of all key/raw-value pairs that were found :rtype: dict .. py:method:: set_bulk(__data=None, **kwargs) :param dict __data: mapping of key/value pairs to set. :param kwargs: mapping of key/value pairs to set, expressed as keyword arguments :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: remove_bulk(keys) :param list keys: list of keys to remove :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: script(name, key=None, value=None, lock_records=False, lock_all=False, encode_value=True, decode_result=False) :param str name: name of lua function to call :param str key: key to pass to lua function (optional) :param str value: value to pass to lua function (optional) :param bool lock_records: lock records modified during script execution :param bool lock_all: lock all records during script execution :param bool encode_value: serialize the value before sending to the script :param bool decode_result: deserialize the script return value :return: byte-string or obj returned by function (depending on decode_result) Execute a lua function. Tokyo Tyrant lua extensions accept two parameters, a key and a value, and return a result byte-string. .. py:method:: clear() :return: boolean indicating success Remove all keys from the database. .. py:method:: status() :return: status fields and values :rtype: dict Obtain status information from the server. .. py:method:: add(key, value) :param str key: key to add :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :return: boolean indicating if key could be added or not :rtype: bool Add a key/value pair to the database. This operation will only succeed if the key does not already exist in the database. .. py:method:: append(key, value) :param str key: key to append value to :param value: data to append (will be serialized using serializer) :return: boolean indicating if value was appended :rtype: bool Appends data to an existing key/value pair. If the key does not exist, this is equivalent to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.set`. .. py:method:: addshl(key, value, width) :param str key: key to append value to :param value: data to append (will be serialized using serializer) :param int width: number of bytes to shift :return: boolean indicating success :rtype: bool Concatenate a value at the end of the existing record and shift it to the left by *width* bytes. .. py:method:: setnr(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :return: no return value Set with no server response. .. py:method:: setnr_bulk(__data=None, **kwargs) :param dict __data: mapping of key/value pairs to set. :param kwargs: mapping of key/value pairs to set, expressed as keyword arguments :return: no return value Set multiple key/value pairs using the same no-response API as :py:meth:`TokyoTyrant.setnr`. .. py:method:: setdup(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :return: boolean indicating success Set key/value pair. If using a BTree and the key already exists, the new value will be added to the end. .. py:method:: setdupback(key, value) :param str key: key to set :param value: value to store (will be serialized using serializer) :return: boolean indicating success Set key/value pair. If using a BTree and the key already exists, the new value will be added to the front. .. py:method:: get_part(key, start=None, end=None) :param str key: key to look-up :param int start: start offset :param int end: number of characters to retrieve (after start). :return: the substring portion of value requested or ``False`` if the value does not exist or the start index exceeded the value length. .. py:method:: exists(key) :param str key: key to test :return: boolean indicating if key exists :rtype: bool .. py:method:: length(key) :param str key: key to test :return: length of value stored at key (or None if key does not exist) :rtype: int .. py:method:: incr(key, n=1) :param str key: key to increment :param int n: value to add :return: new value at key :rtype: int .. py:method:: incr_double(key, n=1.) :param str key: key to increment :param float n: value to add :return: new value at key :rtype: float .. py:method:: misc(cmd, args=None, update_log=True) :param str cmd: Command to execute :param list args: Zero or more bytestring arguments to misc function. :param bool update_log: Add misc command to update log. Run a miscellaneous command using the "misc" API. Returns a list of zero or more bytestrings. .. py:method:: count() :return: number of key/value pairs in the database :rtype: int .. py:method:: __getitem__(key) Get value at given ``key``. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.get`. .. note:: If the database is a tree, a slice of keys can be used to retrieve an ordered range of values. .. py:method:: __setitem__(key, value) Set value at given ``key``. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.set`. .. py:method:: __delitem__(key) Remove the given ``key``. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.remove`. .. py:method:: __contains__(key) Check if given ``key`` exists. Identical to :py:meth:`~TokyoTyrant.exists`. .. py:method:: __len__() :return: total number of keys in the database. :rtype: int .. py:method:: update(__data=None, db=None, expire_time=None, **kwargs) See :py:meth:`TokyoTyrant.set_bulk`. .. py:attribute:: size Property which exposes the size of the database. .. py:attribute:: error Return a 2-tuple of error code and message for the last error reported by the server (if set). .. py:method:: optimize(options) :param str options: option format string to use when optimizing database. :return: boolean indicating success .. py:method:: synchronize() :return: boolean indicating success Synchronize data to disk. .. py:method:: copy(path) :param str path: destination for copy of database. :return: boolean indicating success Copy the database file to the given path. .. py:method:: get_range(start, stop=None, max_keys=0) :param str start: start-key for range :param str stop: stop-key for range (optional) :param int max_keys: maximum keys to fetch :return: a mapping of key-value pairs falling within the given range. :rtype: dict .. note:: Only works with tree databases. .. py:method:: match_prefix(prefix, max_keys=1024) :param str prefix: key prefix to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return :return: list of keys that matched the given prefix. :rtype: list .. py:method:: match_regex(regex, max_keys=1024) :param str regex: regular-expression to match :param int max_keys: maximum number of results to return :return: list of keys that matched the given regular expression. :rtype: list .. py:method:: iter_from(start_key) :param start_key: key to start iteration. :return: list of key/value pairs obtained by iterating from start-key. :rtype: dict .. py:method:: keys() :return: list of all keys in database :rtype: list .. py:method:: items() :return: list of all key/value tuples in database :rtype: list .. py:method:: set_index(name, index_type, check_exists=False) :param str name: column name to index :param int index_type: see :ref:`index-types` for values :param bool check_exists: if true, an error will be raised if the index already exists. :return: boolean indicating success Create an index on the given column in a table database. .. py:method:: optimize_index(name) :param str name: column name index to optimize :return: boolean indicating success Optimize the index on a given column. .. py:method:: delete_index(name) :param str name: column name index to delete :return: boolean indicating success Delete the index on a given column. .. py:method:: search(expressions, cmd=None) :param list expressions: zero or more search expressions :param str cmd: extra command to apply to search results :return: varies depending on ``cmd``. Perform a search on a table database. Rather than call this method directly, it is recommended that you use the :py:class:`QueryBuilder` to construct and execute table queries. .. py:method:: genuid() :return: integer id Generate a unique ID. .. py:class:: QueryBuilder Construct and execute table queries. .. py:method:: filter(column, op, value) :param str column: column name to filter on :param int op: operation, see :ref:`filter-types` for available values :param value: value for filter expression Add a filter expression to the query. .. py:method:: order_by(column, ordering=None) :param str column: column name to order by :param int ordering: ordering method, defaults to lexical ordering. See :ref:`ordering-types` for available values. Specify ordering of query results. .. py:method:: limit(limit=None) :param int limit: maximum number of results Limit the number of results returned by query. .. py:method:: offset(offset=None) :param int offset: number of results to skip over. Skip over results returned by query. .. py:method:: execute(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: list of keys matching query criteria :rtype: list Execute the query and return a list of the keys of matching records. .. py:method:: delete(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: boolean indicating success Delete records that match the query criteria. .. py:method:: get(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: list of 2-tuples consisting of ``key, value``. :rtype list: Execute query and return a list of keys and values for records matching the query criteria. .. py:method:: count(client) :param TokyoTyrant client: database client :return: number of query results Return count of matching records. .. _index-types: Index types ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:data:: INDEX_STR .. py:data:: INDEX_NUM .. py:data:: INDEX_TOKEN .. py:data:: INDEX_QGRAM .. _filter-types: Filter types ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:data:: OP_STR_EQ .. py:data:: OP_STR_CONTAINS .. py:data:: OP_STR_STARTSWITH .. py:data:: OP_STR_ENDSWITH .. py:data:: OP_STR_ALL .. py:data:: OP_STR_ANY .. py:data:: OP_STR_ANYEXACT .. py:data:: OP_STR_REGEX .. py:data:: OP_NUM_EQ .. py:data:: OP_NUM_GT .. py:data:: OP_NUM_GE .. py:data:: OP_NUM_LT .. py:data:: OP_NUM_LE .. py:data:: OP_NUM_BETWEEN .. py:data:: OP_NUM_ANYEXACT .. py:data:: OP_FTS_PHRASE .. py:data:: OP_FTS_ALL .. py:data:: OP_FTS_ANY .. py:data:: OP_FTS_EXPRESSION .. py:data:: OP_NEGATE Combine with other operand using bitwise-or to negate the filter. .. py:data:: OP_NOINDEX Combine with other operand using bitwise-or to prevent using an index. .. _ordering-types: Ordering types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. py:data:: ORDER_STR_ASC .. py:data:: ORDER_STR_DESC .. py:data:: ORDER_NUM_ASC .. py:data:: ORDER_NUM_DESC Embedded Servers ---------------- .. py:class:: EmbeddedServer(server='ktserver', host='', port=None, database='*', server_args=None) :param str server: path to ktserver executable :param str host: host to bind server on :param int port: port to use (optional) :param str database: database filename, default is in-memory hash table :param list server_args: additional command-line arguments for server Create a manager for running an embedded (sub-process) Kyoto Tycoon server. If the port is not specified, a random high port will be used. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from kt import EmbeddedServer >>> server = EmbeddedServer() >>> server.run() True >>> client = server.client >>> client.set('k1', 'v1') 1 >>> client.get('k1') 'v1' >>> server.stop() True .. py:method:: run() :return: boolean indicating if server successfully started Run ``ktserver`` in a sub-process. .. py:method:: stop() :return: boolean indicating if server was stopped Stop the running embedded server. .. py:attribute:: client :py:class:`KyotoTycoon` client bound to the embedded server. .. py:class:: EmbeddedTokyoTyrantServer(server='ttserver', host='', port=None, database='*', server_args=None) :param str server: path to ttserver executable :param str host: host to bind server on :param int port: port to use (optional) :param str database: database filename, default is in-memory hash table :param list server_args: additional command-line arguments for server Create a manager for running an embedded (sub-process) Tokyo Tyrant server. If the port is not specified, a random high port will be used. Example: .. code-block:: pycon >>> from kt import EmbeddedTokyoTyrantServer >>> server = EmbeddedTokyoTyrantServer() >>> server.run() True >>> client = server.client >>> client.set('k1', 'v1') True >>> client.get('k1') 'v1' >>> server.stop() True .. py:method:: run() :return: boolean indicating if server successfully started Run ``ttserver`` in a sub-process. .. py:method:: stop() :return: boolean indicating if server was stopped Stop the running embedded server. .. py:attribute:: client :py:class:`TokyoTyrant` client bound to the embedded server.